Hagalo Owners’ Rally

Hagalo FreeJet now has 500 owners…

…so I thought it would be fun to host an owners’ rally, for them to meet and have fun with their aircraft. 

Hagalo Rally Venue

The rally took place at my skybox (a 256x256m open arena) at Nikita combat sim, where we had a selection of  twenty variants on display, which were prepared by myself, for the event. In addition, we had a variety of customised aircraft, kindly brought along by Fluffy Dodo and Monster Mode (both members of my Owners club). Pics of their aircraft are shown below…

Monster’s Grafitti aircraft

Monster’s Camouflage

Monster Blue


Fluffy’s U2 & Camo

The following pictures, are some of my own modded versions, on show throughout the day…

Array of variants

Most aircraft in the above picture, used an assortment of textures on an unmodified airframe. However, the graduated orange/yellow textured examples, showed what might be done by moving the components around – altering the arrangement, wingplan etc.

Valentine – Birthday – Christmas

Space Odyssey – “Its full of stars!”

Alien Invader & Stripey

Rusty examples

Variety of wing arrangements

Gripen – style

In total, despite having 500 Hagalo owners in Second Life, I’m disappointed to report that we only had four people attending the rally. (Only two of those, were actual owners !).

Hopefully, the people who turned up, did have fun – (between the timed air-racing course and the sillyness with hovercraft & a giant beach ball).  Many thanks to all 4 attendees, for making the effort.

With a higher attendance, I would’ve had a judged competition, for customised entries. However, since only two people submitted their aircraft, both of them win an aircraft of their choice, from my shop.

Speaking for myself:- because of this typically poor response for a club event, I’ve decided to abandon any ideas for similar events in future.